I thought I left Gundam behind me in grade 9 when Gundam Wing aired in North America. You see, I have not actually liked any Gundam series since then (yes, including the infamous Gundam Seed and Seed-Desiny), and I have also been quite successful in convincing myself that Gundam Wing actually sucked -- and had I not been so young and naive I would have never lay eye on that series as well.
But then, Gundam 00 arrived...
And all hell broke lose.
I will leave the long commentary about characters for another day, but let me just post a picture of the two characters I care most of. Now, they are not the most popular of the cast by far, they are not even all that well developed as characters so far, but they have certain qualities that I find endearing (possibly have something to do with the few similarities they share with Arc and Lumeria?).

*meant to post this post before the OP song post too, but didn't get around to it till now just like the other post
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