Saturday, November 10, 2007

Back-logged Post about Life illustrated by Photo

Here's a short update on life in general with random pictures I took. I will make a few posts later on a few things I wanted to go deeper in.

Since my first post there had be several sabotage with the Engeneering E.

This one is done by Ski & Board.

But this one, done by unknown students... is much more impressive. They even got a bike rack up onto the block! Unfortunately, because this is really sabotage, what you see here was taken off within half a day.

Our Honda Civic 1997 was brought into the shop right after we bought our car for gear box problems.

And here's our... courtesy car [that I had promptly nicked named 'a piece of junk']?

My father's birthday came and went. Last week, almost a month after his actual birthday, I took him out for dinner to Little Sheep Hot-pot. This is what the soup looks like. The spicy side is really funny and I enjoyed watching my father eat food too spicy for him.

I am still working at the same place doing paper work. (This is actually not my own picture, but I think it demonstrates the point well enough.)

And in the morning I have to line up for bus... which really suck.


Wabisabi said...

Sorry for not having visited your blog in a while.

Are those papers in the picture confidential?

I used to wait for the bus at that bus stop too!

Arc said...

Good point. better safe than sorry so I will take that off and replace that with something else.